Study Details and FAQ’s

Your untested relatives are at extremely high risk for having inherited a BRCA mutation.  Having a BRCA mutation is associated with extremely high risks for a variety of cancers in men and women. It is important for you and your relatives to understand the implications of your mutation and options for genetic testing and risk reduction.

The goal of the CASCADE study is to ensure that your at-risk family members have access to high quality genetic education at no cost so they can better understand their risks and options. The study is designed to simplify, streamline, and enhance access to genetic education and optional genetic testing. All participants will have the option to pursue genetic testing through the study. If your relatives opt for testing, it will be provided with the utmost attention to privacy concerns.

Even if you are not sure of your relatives’ interest in testing, please provide us with their contact information so that we can mail them a study information packet. The information provided in this study could be important for them. The information that you and they provide will make a crucial contribution to this research. All information gathered during this study is protected and will remain confidential.     

Please join us in this important endeavor to improve genetic education and testing opportunities for families at risk of BRCA mutations. Together, we can make a significant impact on cancer prevention and management for future generations.     

Study FAQ’s

What is the CASCADE study about?

The CASCADE study focuses on enhancing access and simplifying the genetic education and testing process for hereditary cancer families using an Internet-based program.

What do I need to do as a participant in the CASCADE study?

As a participant, you are required to complete a very brief survey about you and your family.

What is required from my relatives to participate in the study?

After reviewing the mailed study materials, if your relatives choose to participate, they will complete a brief survey and be randomly assigned to receive either a web-based individually tailored genetic education tool or standard resources about genetic testing.

Is participation in the CASCADE study voluntary?

Yes, participation in the CASCADE study is entirely voluntary, and genetic testing is not required as part of the study.

What are the eligibility requirements for participation in the CASCADE study?

To be eligible, your blood relative(s) must be between 21 and 75 years old and be a sibling, child, nephew, niece, aunt, or uncle of an individual with a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene.

What are the benefits of participating in the CASCADE study?

Participants may receive access to a free genetic education website. The study aims to provide valuable information to families at risk of BRCA mutations, potentially impacting cancer prevention and management for future generations.

Is there compensation for participating in the CASCADE study?

Yes, all participants will receive a $25 gift card as a token of appreciation for their time and participation in the study.

How long does it take to complete the initial survey for the CASCADE study?

The initial survey takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Can participants in the CASCADE study choose not to proceed with genetic testing?

Yes, participation in genetic testing is entirely voluntary, and participants can choose not to proceed with testing if they prefer. We hope to enroll both those who are and are not interested in testing.

How can I refer my relatives to participate in the CASCADE study?

You can refer your relatives by providing their name, address, email, or telephone number to the CASCADE study team, who will then mail them information about the study and invite them to participate. 

Can I access the genetic education website even if I choose not to participate in genetic testing?

Yes, participants who choose not to proceed with genetic testing can still access the genetic education website and benefit from the information provided.

What should I do if I have more questions about the CASCADE study?

If you have more questions or need further clarification about the CASCADE study, you can contact the study team directly through the contact information provided on our website. We are here to assist you and provide any additional information you may need.